I was in Barnes & Noble on Monday evening. Just looking around -- nothing special. I was surprised and pleased to find they had Curves and Girlfriends magazines. In the past I've had trouble finding them. I was flipping through them with my partner and we came across an article on this woman. I was very impressed with her. My partner was impressed that a butch lesbian didn't have folks freaking out in MN -- very much unlike VA. Kudos to her!
Byte-Size Morsels
The Spring allergies have hit me hard. I'm so tired all the time. And sneezing. And feeling rather spaced out. You know the drill.
Work has been less than calm. Jane (not her real name) had some trouble the other day and we spent the day in the ER. Mostly to double check that she was okay after accidentally drinking rubbing alcohol (she thought it was water). Poison control had said she should be fine, but we wanted to double check. While we were sitting there more and more people came back to the waiting area with those pink buckets they give you if you might throw up. I tried not to breathe very deeply -- who knows what's going around.
This afternoon we're moving the residents into a hotel while they redo our wood floors. Shouldn't be too bad -- but a little notice would have been nice. Some of the residents have some anxiety issues and when I popped this on them (cause I had just found out) I thought we might have to do some CPR. But then everyone calmed down. So far so good. *crossing fingers*
No other news really -- working and sleeping is all I've been doing.
I haven't blogged in 10 days because I've been in a "don't talk to me, don't look at me, in fact, don't even BREATHE near me" mentality of the 28-day-cycle variety.
I'm posting in order to shrug off the mantle of irritability and replace it with a more pleasant demeanor. Or at least a not-quite-so-close-to-killing-someone demeanor.
For fun:
1) Rebus puzzles -- the ones where ya stare at it and stare at it and then all of a sudden you get it. And then you feel like you should have seen it sooner. Yeah, those...
2) The longest palindrome ever. (Or at least they think so) I didn't double check it -- but I was appropriately impressed.
3) Simply impossible oxymorons. It's the little things that make me happy!
4) Word math ... I had no idea.
5) And finally -- for those as geeky as me -- famous problems in the history of Math.
A little humor for Sunday morning:
Two boys were walking home from Sunday school after hearing a strong preaching on the devil. One said to the other, "What do you think about all this Satan stuff?"
The other boy replied, "Well, you know how Santa Claus turned out. It's probably just your dad."
In other news:
My sis-in-law just bought a van. She smashed up her sedan in an accident. I'm not a big van person. But I have to say it makes going to the park with our four dogs look like cake compared to the way we've been doing it (two cars to get three people and four dogs to the park for 20 minutes of shear chaos). Also maybe we will take more trips. Maybe. You never know. Money could start growing on trees... ;o)